4th Annual Fundraising Concert – Postponed



Since our post this morning, we have decided to cancel tonight’s Fundraising Concert. 

We are following the lead of other organizations, groups, and events and we have decided out of an abundance of caution to cancel tonight’s festivities due to COVID-19. 

We followed this risk assessment toolkit from the Government of Canada which helped us arrive at this decision: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/health-professionals/mass-gatherings-risk-assesment.html

While not all public events are being cancelled, it has been advised that people avoid large gatherings, particularly those who would be most at risk. We want to ensure everyone’s safety. 

We will be assessing the possibility of rescheduling the concert at a later date, and will be sharing this information on social media, our newsletter, and directly to ticket buyers. Thank you for your patience as we figure out next steps. This decision was not made lightly.

Our fundraiser has always been a great community connector, and a celebration of our collective hard work to address poverty in Manitoba. Given recent news about COVID-19 and the climate of concern around it, we want to be responsive to what our community needs right now. 

We look forward to connecting and celebrating with you in the future! For now, please take care of yourselves and one another.

*Tickets: If you purchased a ticket on eventbrite, it will be refunded. If you purchased a paper ticket and you would like to receive a refund for your ticket, please feel free to contact chair@makepovertyhistorymb.com with the subject line “Concert refund”.

Here is some advice for staying healthy from the Province of Manitoba, available at this link: https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/coronavirus/

Strategies for all Manitobans:

  • minimizing prolonged (more than 10 minutes), close (less than two meters/ six feet) contact between other individuals in public,
  • avoiding greetings that involve touching such as handshakes,
  • disinfecting frequently used surfaces,
  • following public health advice related to self-monitoring and self-isolation if you have travelled or have been exposed to someone ill with the virus, and
  • considering avoiding travel, crowded places and events, especially if you are at higher risk (e.g. seniors and those with underlying medical conditions)