Stop Cuts to Winnipeg Community Grants

Oct 1, 2024 – Wonderful News: All changes to Winnipeg’s Community Grants Program Reversed or Postponed!

In July, many of our supporters either wrote the Mayor and Council and/or attended a rally at City Hall, calling on City Council to reverse cuts to the Community Grants program. We called on the City to reverse the changes and cuts to this essential program.  116 community organizations, most not funded by this program, signed a joint statement. 

Because of our collective voice, they put a pause on the decision. Since then, coalition members have been meeting with Mayor and Council members on the importance and impact these funds have in making Winnipeg a better city for all.

At the September 26th Council meeting, all proposed changes were either reversed or at least postponed until 2026!  We want to thank Mayor and Council for listening and being open to change their minds on this critical program, and to working with the sector to make the program more open and transparent. 

AND we want to thank everyone who stood in solidarity.  Winnipeg is a community that understands the need to support community based solutions!

We compiled an impact report detailing the amazing work of just 14 of the 39 organizations do throughout the city. Check it out here.

Older items:

Help Stop the Cuts
Urgent Action for Thursday June 27, 2024

116 Organizations signed a joint statement calling for a pause to the Executive Policy Committee’s proposed cuts and changes to the Community Grant program.  Please see the full statement here.

It’s not too late to lend your support.  Send the mayor and council an email.

Send an email to the Mayor and City Councillors. Click this link to automatically populate the text in your email app (may not work on mobile), or use this copy-and-paste email template.

Winnipeg City Council is proposing drastic cuts to the Community Grants Program, and we need your help to prevent this.

This Thursday June 27, Winnipeg City Council will vote on a proposed 62% reduction in funding totalling $2.1M for the Community Grants Program, leaving only $1.3M.

These funds are essential for core community organizations offering critical programs and services that directly contribute to community safety, community development, and poverty reduction.

Without this funding, these organizations would have to reduce their programming and lay off staff, which would be a huge blow to the communities that rely on them.

Here’s how you can help us prevent these proposed cuts:

Member Organizations:

If you are a member organizationwe will automatically add your name to our joint statement that will be sent directly to the Mayor and City Councillors. If you don’t want your organization name to be added, please let us know by Wednesday June 26 at 9:30am.

Non-member Organizations:

Add your organization’s name to the joint statement by filling out this Google Form by Wednesday June 26 at 9:30am. This statement will be sent directly to the Mayor and City Councillors.


Send an email to the Mayor and City Councillors. Click this link to automatically populate the text in your email app (may not work on mobile), or use this copy-and-paste email template.


Join us at a rally outside City Hall on Thursday June 27 at 9am to stand against the cuts. Invite your networks!

We hope you will participate in these actions to help us send a strong and urgent message to Winnipeg City Council.

Thanks for your support!

The Make Poverty History Manitoba Team

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